Thursday, September 15, 2016

Mayor's letter, Fall 2016

Mayor Gary Waters


The election held on August 23rd has established who will serve as your Mayor for the next four years. Three council positions – Place 1, Place 3 and Place 4 have also been determined.  The Place 2 and Place 5 races will be settled in a run-off election to be held on October the 4th.  As with the primary election, the run-off election will take place at the Pelham Civic Complex.
Where I am pleased and honored to serve as your Mayor for another term, I am sorely disappointed with the voter turnout for this election. 18.7 per cent voter turnout tells me we are not nurturing the form of government we have been blessed with, one that has come at a high price.
The Ancient Greeks invented Democracy. The Romans took Democracy to the next level by adding the Republic form of government where the electorate names their representatives. Our Founding Fathers perfected the notion of the Democratic Republic by infusing the idea of personal Freedom and Liberty. The Greek and Romans passed into history. Is our form of government destined to suffer the same fate? These abysmal voting numbers suggest it is possible.

Yes, I suppose we all have ample reasons to be puked out with politics at all levels. But let’s not give up on our last best chance for self-determination.  Voting is more than a right; it is an obligation.  OK, I’m off the stump.  Be well. I’ll see you around town.

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